Junior Artists | Thursday


Our fun and informative classes for 5-8 year olds enhance drawing and painting skills. Let your little one join us for a colourful journey where their creativity will blossom and shine.

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Course details

Each semester, students engage in 2 to 4 projects, resulting in finished works in drawing and painting, along with the exploration of one of the following mediums: sculpture, printmaking, or mixed media.

In Term Three of 2024, our focus in the Melbourne Studio of Art Junior Artists programs will be on exploring COLOUR & PATTERN through a variety of drawing exercises, painting studies, and sculpture projects inspired by Monet, Degas and Kasuma. Students will develop an understanding of observing the world around us through various colours and patterns. Join us for a term filled with creative exploration and artistic growth!


  • Program cost includes all materials.
  • Students should arrive no more than 5 minutes before class.
  • Children must attend independently; parents cannot stay.
  • Please be aware that materials may stain clothing.
  • One makeup class per term is available (pre-booking required).
  • Review terms and conditions before enrolling.
  • Please note that Credit Card payments will incur a 1.8% - 2.2% processing fee - Fee free Direct Deposit options available upon booking.
  • Term length may vary according to government school timetables between 8 & 9 weeks.

At Melbourne Studio of Art, we not only teach technique and expression but also instill values like commitment and discipline. Join us in fostering your child's creativity and growth in a supportive environment.

5:00pm – 6:30pm | 18th July – 12th September 2024

Session Fully Booked